
Friday 6 October 2017

What is Metaphysics?

What is Metaphysics?

This is an important question which is the main question of
philsophy and religion both in the East and West. 

In Tamil it is known as "MeyyaRivu" or "thaththuva visaaraNaai" where the Sanskrit 'Thath"
means " what is in itself" and hence truth. Heidegger has written a book
called "what is metaphysics?". 

I use the term in the sense it was originally used by the Greeks: meta-physis meaning going 
beyond the physical and hence excursions into the nonphysical realities. The most 
important questions in metaphysics because of this become on the reality of God and soul as 
both are nonphysical and hence metaphysical.

I view metaphysics as the deepest Hermeneutic science and have explained 
it very elaborately in my 'Introduction to Metaphysica Universalis of
Meykandar', a translation of Meykandar's  CivanjaBotham available. 

Just to give a simple example, dreams are metaphysical, in my sense, and
hence trying to get at the meaning by interpreting it, an excursion into the metaphysical if
you take the dreams as having semiotic aspects to it. Similar but much
deeper are the interpretive studies of mythologies, folklores,
religious rituals and related matters. As such they also turn out to be
the study of the Unconscious in the Freudian sense, the Collective
Unconscious in the Jungian sense, Transcendental Uncollective
Unconscious in the Meykandarian sense.

I hope the above explains in simple terms the meaning of 'metaphysics'.


( editing and re-paragraphing by his student) 

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