
Tuesday 3 October 2017

The Metaphysical Gynecology of Tirumular - Part 23

The Deviant and Transgressive Sexuality.

It is quite inevitable that Tirumular in the course of explaining the essence of Transgressive Sexuality (TGS) that he certainly advocates in many places, should also consider DEVIANT sexuality and which for him are the forms of sexuality inconsistent with TGS.  This is how ETHICS enters metaphysics. We must recall here that this line of thinking began among the Tamil folks with at least Tolkaappiyar where he analyses all behavior, including the verbal (both spoken and composed, the Vazakku and CeyyuL) into the five LOVE based (akam aintiNai) and two deviant forms (KaikkiLai and PeruntiNai)

Tirumular goes well beyond these early attempts where he, not only accommodates sexual abnormality but also Bramahcarya, the ascetic as a kind of deviant sexual behavior. The homosexuals, lesbians and Brahmacarins are similar in that they DISTORT and TORTURE the normal sexual libido instead of transmuting it into the Gnostic Libido (the Njana Sakti) that would burn off the Apara Bindu that permeates the body and produces the sperm filled seminal fluid that creates the desire for species regeneration and so forth.  Neither homosexuality nor brahmacariam will do this transmutation and hence the sorts of behavior to be avoided.

A man must live with a woman, enjoy sexual happiness with LOVE and evolve into one who continues to enjoy sex but in the form of TGS and with that and  in the end transcend even that by attaining the supreme inner purity, the Sivattuvam - being qualitatively the SAME as Siva.

More below.



விந்துவும் நாதமும் மேவக் கனல் மூல
வந்த வனல் மயிர்க் கால்தோறும் மன்னிடக்
சிந்தனை மாறச் சிவம் அகமாகவே
விந்துவு மாளும் மெய்க் காயத்தின் வித்திலே


நாதமும் விந்துவும் பீடமும் தாணுவுமாக விளங்கி நிற்கும் சிவலிங்கம் உயிரை மேவ, இந்த இரு தத்துவங்களின் புணர்ச்சியால் எழும் குண்டலினி காமக்கனலாக இருப்பதுபோக்கி ஞானக் கனலாக எழுந்து உடலெங்கும் பரவி மயிர்க்கால் தொறும் மன்னியிட, ஆன்மாவின் சிந்தனைப் போக்கு உலகியல் சிந்தனை விட்டு சிவச் சிந்தனையாகவே மாறும். அதனால் அகத்தில் மலங்களும் திரோதமும் நீங்க, ஆன்மா நிலமப் பேற்றின் சிவமே அகமாக சிறக்கும். அதுபொழுது உடம்பில் சந்தான விருத்திக்கு ஊந்தும் வித்திலே ( சுக்கிலம் சுரோணிதத்திலே) இருக்கும் அபரவிந்து மாளும்.


vintuvum naatamum meevak kanal muula
vanta vanal mayirk kaaltooRum mannidak
cintanai maaRac Civam akamaakavee
vintuvu maaLum meyk kaayattin vittilee


As the Natam and Bindu in the form of SivaliGkam pervades the anma and as a result of conjugations within, produce the Libido that gets transformed into Njanakni, the Gnostic Libido, it spreads all over the body including the roots of the hair. This brings about a change in thinking whereby the person becomes truly metaphysical and where through inner purities attained, the self, shines forth as Siva itself, i.e. absolutely pure. At this point the Apara Bindu, that which is the source of species regeneration impulses, spread all over the body, will die out



வித்துக் குற்று உண்பான் விளைவு அறியாதவன்
வித்துக் குற்று உண்ணாமல் வித்து சுட்டு உண்பவன்
வித்துக் குற்று உண்பானின் வேறலன் ஈற்றவன்
வித்துக் குற்று உண்ணாமல் வித்துவித் தானன்றே


விதையக் குத்தி தோல் நீக்கி உண்பவன் வித்தை வயலில் விளைப்பதால் வரும் விளைவினை அறியாதவன். இவ்வாறு விதைகளைக் குத்தி உண்ணாமல் அவற்றை  சுட்டு  வறுத்து உண்பவன் , விதையக் குத்தி உண்பனைப் போலவே தவிர வேறில்லாதவன். இவ்விரண்டுமல்லாமல் மூன்றாமவன், விதையைக் (சுட்டும்) குத்தியு உண்ணாமல், விதையில் இருக்கும் அபரவிந்துவை மாய்த்து சுத்தமாக்கி ( விந்து ஜயம் அடைந்து) வித்திட்டு வித்திட்டு பரவிந்துவை விளைச்சலாக அடைவன். 



vittuk kuRRu uNbaan viLaivu aRiyaatavan
vittuk kuRRu uNNaamal vittu cuddu uNbavan
vittuk kuRRu uNbaanin veeRalan iiRRan
vittuk kuRRu uNNaamal vittuvvit taananRee


There are those who pound the seeds and removing the husk eat the grains. Such people will not realize the harvest that become possible by planting them.  There are also those who instead of pounding etc, in fact roast them and eat them. Such people are also not different from the first. However there is the third kind of people who without eating by pounding or roasting, actually plant them (but with burning the Apara Bindu there) and enjoy the harvest that accrues (in the form of the nectar of Para Bindu, the Amutu.)


Tirumular is concerned in these two verses with the PROPER way for graduating into the stage of Transgressive Sexuality, which is simultaneously enjoying the mythical Golden Body. He brings out the real way by describing some deviant ways first and with the use of some good metaphors. There are those who MISUSE sexuality and who are people who POUND the seeds and eat them without planting them in fertile soil.  Such are those who TORTURE the sexual urges in them and take them into deviant ways.

Another kind of sexual deviancy is the Bramahcarya, the forced asceticism, where every urge of the EROS is suppressed and repressed and the whole life is spent  practicing various of gimmicks (like eating spice-less vegetarian food etc) neglecting in that struggle the real meaning of religious life - metaphysical inquiries. These are those who roast the seeds and eat them, and again without planting them.

As distinct from these two types are the third - those who enjoy active sexual life but with transmuting the normal sexuality into Transgressive Sexuality - they plant the seeds and enjoy a suitable harvest. But how is this done? The verse 48 explains it.

The sexual libido that emerges in the body and through the coition of the Natam and Bindu that compose the SivaliGkam, must be transmuted into Gnostic Libido, the Icca Sakti into Njana Sakti and which earns deep metaphysical illuminations. These illuminations do not stand just in the head or in the self - such inner light spreads all over the body, creates a sacred aura about the body whereby the THINKING itself undergoes a fundamental change. The interest in Physical Thinking is severed and interest in Metaphysical Thinking is installed. This enters the interior of the soul itself and PURIFIES it by removing all the Malam, darkness, the filth and dirt there and with that making the self glow with Sivattuvam, the Sivahood.

It is during this course of psychic and bodily development that Transgressive Sexuality comes to prevail, where it is a kind of sexuality where there are conjugal relationships within Deep Love and where there is no ejaculation of the sperms along with seminal fluid (as already explained) for there is no more the production of the sperms themselves.


( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )

( photo taken from with thanks )

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