
Monday 16 October 2017

Agamic Psychology, the realistic psychology.

Agamic Psychology, the realistic psychology.

Otto Rank observes:

"Psychology is not an objective instrument, like a telescope or microscope, which can be applied for purposes of observation to the reactions of individuals or groups of people; it is not a science beyond or above the civilization it presumes to explain. On the contrary, these psychological theories themselves have to be explained as a part of the whole social system and understood as expression of a certain type representing one particular layer of it" (Beyond Psychology 1941, page 27)

Western psychologies, Otto Rank notes, are 'inspirational' by which he means a psychology that aims at influencing people, changing them, modifying them towards a preconceived ideal and so forth. Since men are not alike and actually unequal, the psychologies serve to explain away the differences and thus make them appear equal and force them to become equal or alike. 

As opposed to this control orientated psychologies, he notes, 'there operates another realistic psychology as a spontaneous expression of the people; not the psychology we create by which to change, but the one which creates change - in others as well as in ourselves - spontaneously (Ibid page 31).

The psychology that I have termed Agamic, is a self-transformational psychology, a psychological system designed to bring about a spontaneous growth of an individual from a lowly person that he is into a divine, spiritual being. This it purports to achieve through a technology that is individualistic and which facilitates Saktinipatam, the flooding of the inner-most recesses of the psyches with Arul, a natural force under the control of a Supreme Power and which spiritualises the individual through eliminating the psychic constraints that condition his existence as a finite being.

Could it be then this Agamic psychology is the realistic psychology that Otto rank talked about or at least the most eloquent, refined and elaborate that we have among the psychologies with this realistic bend?

It appears to be so, at least to me.

( University Science Malaysia , 1998 )

( Photo of Otto Rank taken from wikipedia with thanks )

( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )

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