A close scrutiny makes it abundantly clear that in this Siddhantic i.e. pedagogic scientific tradition there is NO AUTHORITY OTHER THAN THE AUTHORITY OF TRUTH.
All investigations are hermeneutic- interpretive studies of TEXTS and TEXT ANALOGUES which always come with a DUALITY of structure, the Surface Structure that constitutes the phenomenal component of experience and Deep Structure, the hidden the noumenal but which is the Nimitta Karana, the Agentive Cause.
Whenever there is an enigma , there is a TEXT of some kind that we do not understand, there is IGNORANCE in us about its content. Then we try to destroy this ignorance by the exercise of some UTTTIES, and gain a vision of the D.S elements that in fact agentively fabricate the phenomenal S.S elements. We gain LUMENS , variously called uLLoLi, CiRcakti etc that confers clarity of understanding and hence subjective certitude.
A penetrating decompositional analysis of this primary process of philosophic experience, as already undertaken by Meykandar shows that in such processes there is SHOWING and because of which there is SEEING on the part of the anma. When the anma SEES as shown and only as shown, TRUTH is apprehended and a feeling of certitude is also experienced along with it.
When a person endeavors unfailingly along these lines, he is helped by the PANCAKRITTIYAMS of SIVA, the BEING. It is Civa who thus instructs the anmas, and the WORLD PLAY is enacted by HIM in the assembly of Tillai precisely for this purpose.
As long as the anmas continue their pedagogic odyssey, through countless births and deaths always mindful that what one ought to gain is TRUTH and nothing else, there will a come a time when BEING will confer MUKTI and release the anma from phenomenological circulation that, in fact, can be interminable.
Dr Loganathan Krishnan @ Ullaganar
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