
Friday, 17 June 2016

Indian culture and philosophy with the Sumerian roots.

One of the things I notice is that in my studies of SumeroTamil and Vedic Tamil and so forth, I have been able to bring out the origins and development of many elements of Indic culture and philosophy from Sumeria.
What we have is NOT simply a linguistic continuity but also a cultural continuity. A language carries along with it some deep metaphysical insights and which are sustained even when, by way of evolving, it branches into some new forms.
While the Sumerian texts disclose the birth and development of Temple Culture and which is continued to this day, it also discloses how the Vedic Yajna-centered culture of Rig Veda was an APPLICATION of the Cosmology of Fire that we find in the beginning lines of Suruppak’s NeRi (c. 3000 BC) and who is mentioned by name in Rig Veda (as have already pointed out).
Such disclosures and additional insights into the genesis and development of Indic thoughts stand as an interesting contrast with Indo-European studies with their PIE etc.
Over the last 200 years or so, nothing more than horses chariots and iron tools have been discussed.
Nothing at all, as far as I know, about Temple Culture, Yoga practices Mantra Recital, Ethics, the gods Siva, Tirumaal, Ambal, Muruka etc.

Dr Loganathan Krishnan @ Ullaganar

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