
Friday, 17 June 2016

Siva is Sumero-Tamil

Siva is Sumero Tamil

First of all I do not want to claim that BEING ( also named Sivam in Tamil) is peculiar to any language, race, culture or individuals.
BEING is present in the bosom of all and they may name it differently when they come to apprehend it, if at all . This is common knowledge also in Tamil Saivism and taken as an axiomatic Truth. ( see; OnRavan taanee – Thirumular) . The same goes for Sivalingam with the worship of which Saivism is intimately linked.
It is present in Sumerian times but however I see that also as UNIVERSAL, something that lurks in the depths of every person and hence something that can erupt into consciousness subsequent to which it may become an object of worship. Also we hear now there was Sivalingam worship in ancient China several millenniums ago and also a striking similarity between the Yin Yang concepts of Taoism and Natam-Bindu or Siva-Sakthi concept of Saivism.
I am inclined to consider these as INDEPENDENT developments, eruptions into consciousness elements already there in the depths.
However despite these qualifications we can make a case for the claim that Saivism has a Tamil History (without precluding other possibilities) that dates back to Sumerian times and something that belongs to the cultural complex of the Tamil speakers.
The religious component of Sumerian culture can be called Agamism , in the sense of being Temple centered (among others) and the study of Sumerian texts disclose that there was worship of :

Mother Goddess ( Inanna Nin-a, Nin-anna etc) 
Thirumaal (se-ir- ma-al, En-lil, Mu-ul-lil) ,
 Murukan ( Enmerukar, ) and 
Siva ( sipa, sib and also An) and so forth. 

Sometimes the same names are retained in the historical period and sometimes displaced with some new names but nevertheless on the basis of the attributes, the IDENTITY of the deities and hence cultic practices remain the same and are similar to those worshipped by the Tamils ( and also others all over India) so much so that Hinduism today can be considered essentially as Agamism, a continuation of something that prevailed in Sumerian times itself ( 4000 B.C. to 1500 B.C). The evidences for this comes from a study of NAMES and Siva worship is Tamil in the sense that BEING was apprehended and named with the the lexical resources available in Tamil.

Thus BEING is NOT peculiar to the Tamils, the NAMES are and this is what I am concerned here.

Dr Loganathan Krishnan @ Ullaganar

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