There is a tremendous confusion with respect to understanding the
meaning of icons and one of them being the colours of such icons:
the black of Tirumaal, the red and gold of Siva, the brilliant light
color of Muruka, the Pure White of Vaaliyon (Balarama) ,Brahma,
Saraswati etc. One of the most ridiculous interpretations is that
Tirumaal and KaNNan must be Tamil gods because they are black!
The icons, it must be noted here, have nothing to do with skin
colour of the people for they are celestial beings, mantra-bodies and
hence transcendent to the racial make-up of the people in whose mind
they emerge and through a play, make them raise metaphysical
questions and through that enable them to gain illuminations.
Punitavati deals with the colour of Siva in the following verse:
Why His body is golden but becomes silver on wearing the sacred
ashes? Earlier she has also noted that Tirumaal was one half of Siva
taking the place of Uma Herself and thereby becoming Blue. But now
she sees the Woman Herself as an equal and inalienable part of Siva
and because of which the body as a whole is golden
What are meanings then?
Read below as to the meanings of the color codes of the muurttams.
கொம்பினை ஓர் பாகத்துக் கொண்ட குழகன்றன்
அம்பவள மேனி அது முன்னஞ் -- செம்பொன்
அணிவரையே போலும் பொடியணிந்தால் வெள்ளி
மணிவரையே போலும் மறித்து
(அ-ரை திரு வி.க)
கொம்பினை - பார்வதி தேவியாரை. குழகன் தன் - சிவபிரானுடைய, அம் - அழகிய. அணி
வரை - அழகிய மேருமலை . மணி வெள்ளிவரை -அழகிய கயிலை மலை, மறித்துப் பொடி யணி
ந்தால் என்று கூட்டுக. மறித்து - மீண்டு
நீலவண்ணத் திருமாலையும் உமை அம்மையையும் தன்னுள் சரிபாதியாகக் கொண்டிருக்கும் போது நீலசி
வனாராகத் தோன்றும் சிவன், அம்மையை மாத்திரம் தன்னின் சரிபாதியாகக் கொண்டிருக்க,
செம்மேனியனாகத் தெரிகின்றான். மேலும் அதுபொழுது அழியாத பேரின்பங்கள் அனைத்தின் மூலமாகி
ய பொன்மேருவினைப் போன்று பொன்மேனியனாகவும் திகழ்கின்றான். அதுபொழுது ஆன்மாக்களை
தீய்த்து சுத்தமாக்கி பொன்மேரு புகுத்த திருநீறு பூசிட, வெள்ளி மணிவரையாகிய கயிலை பி
ரானாகவும் ஆகின்றான் காண்!
39.kombinai oor paakattan koNda kuzakanRanambavaLa meeni atu munnanj - cemponaNivaraiyee poolum podiyaNintaal veLLimaNivaraiyee poolum maRittu
Meaning:While Siva appears as Blue when He incorporates VishNu and Uma as
integral parts of Himself, He appears Red when he incorporates only
Uma as an equal half of Himself. And furthermore He shines forth Gold
like the PonmeeRu, that Hill that contains everything of Supreme
Bliss. But when he wears the white ashes with the intention to burn
and purify the anmas to make it possible for them to enter this Pon
MeeRu, He becomes the Silver on the silver peaks of Kailash
Comments:Punitavati has been concerned above with symbolic significance of
the Snake and Moon and why the Moon always remains the crescent moon
on His tuft. Now her attention shifts to the semiotics of the body
colours the Red Gold and Silver, which are also elements of deep
dreams. BEING assumes these forms to INSTRUCT the anmas of some deep
metaphysical TRUTHS and Punitavati, having grasped them, is hinting
at them here.
BEING as Man-Woman Complex, the destructive-generative Power of the
world is RED and shines forth as Gold, the two colors being
interchangeable. The Gold color signifies something non-diminishing
and hence that of Supreme Bliss, the Sivaanantam. It is the kind of
happiness that all, including the devas, are after and which is
possible only if possessed wholly by this androgynous archetype where
the Woman and Man are equally present, where the distinction between
masculinity and femininity is neutralized completely so that
existence becomes transsexual, something above the polarity of Male
and Female. What it means is that we have to transcendent our sexual
and polar dimensions and rise above by incorporating both into our
being. The man has to become the woman, and the woman likewise the
This Gold Bodied Siva-Sakti is also full of aruL, LOVE SUPREME and
because of which He-She cannot be INDIFFERENT to the sufferings of
the anmas caught in Samsara, the web of historical relationships
that come along with the assumption of a physical frame and along a
biological identity. This condition is also a kind of condition of
Impurity, of metaphysical blindness, of ignorance. Hence there is a
need to PURIFY them so that they see the Golden possibilities, which
are always there for them to appropriate and enjoy. For this purpose
and wholly as an expression of His aruL or LOVE, Siva wears the ashes
over His body that signifies this WILL within Him. And at that point
BEING becomes present in world however not immediately but at the
peak of the snow-clad Kailash, meaning He becomes available only if
we try to climb up the metaphysical ladder and seek Him out. He pulls
us unto Him by becoming present at the Peak and in responding to that
pull we cannot remain where we are - we have to LEARN, get
illuminated and becoming pure in this way climb up the Hill. This
aspect of BEING is the meaning of the color SILVER as opposed to the
( edited and re-paragraphed by his student )
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