
Friday, 24 August 2018

The Tamil Hermeneutics and Metaphysics - Introduction.

Hermeneutics and Metaphysics.

All over the world we see the human mind being trapped into various traditions, the sampradayas with some individuals assuming the position of leadership, claiming and arguing that his tradition is the ONLY tradition that contains the TRUTH and hence everyone ought to follow it. All such claims while lift up the mind, in a way they also trap or seek to trap it pushing the mind into pre-existent mould and arresting further intellectual adventures. 

There is a deep component of Tamil Philosophical tradition that is AGAINST such imprisoning of the mind and hence continuously combative towards such attempts. Tolkaapiyam is an expression of this and later the Bakti revolution. Underlying such bold assertions is the notion of Hermeneutic Science, within which is also brought in the religious life. An individual can reach the HIGHEST state of Being only if he FREES himself from traditions and becomes PURE. The ideal state is that of DEEP SILENCE within which is enjoyed Civanjanam, that which founds Metaphysica Universalis. To enjoy this understanding and live by it,we have to ABANDON all srutis and smritis and what not after benefiting from their study . 

This movement of the mind is essentially HERMENEUTICAL , in fact the practice of Pedagogic Hermeneutics, that ANYONE can practice.

I am revising my earlier studies in this field and sending them again with the idea of continuing this line of thinking further. 


( to be continued )

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