
Saturday, 25 August 2018

Experiencing the Mythical

Experiencing the Mythical.

Western Historicism emphasizes the phenomenal reality and hence World
Time consciousness and along with it physical causality. 

A historical event must have a set of antecedent events which causally determine the event and its nature under question. Any personal problem is also analyzed in terms of
a set of causal events: the cultural background, the sociopolitical patterns
of life, the forms of upbringing, early childhood experiences and such
external factors.

Dream experiences shatter all these by throwing us into
the realms of the mythical and metaphorical. The world is begun to be seen
as a DRAMA enacted by forces that are powerful and at the same time
uncanny. The events in a person's life and in fact what a person is, is
constituted by these archetypal forces which are most of the time
unconscious. This ahistorical way of seeing the world and what happens to
one belongs to the field of transductive perception the beginning of which
is dreaming experience. It is that which has been described as the THIRD
EYE which is just a colorful way describing what everybody has a competence
that probably remains untapped. Everybody dreams but only some who can
recall them a limitation that can be corrected by practice.

The dreaming experience allows us a peep into our own unconscious, the
hidden recesses within our mind where the forces at PLAY are made at work.
But it is not always the case that we have dreams that are archetypal and
sublime, something bordering deep religious experience. 

The soul must be ready for such deeply satisfying dream experiences. The worldly people, tied to the earthly are denied such accesses. One must be desirous of Deep
Wisdom, the Absolute TRUTH, a true understanding of the world, free of
various prejudices that condition our worldly existence. There must be a
fine tuning and a receptivity of the mysterious and subterranean forces
that may be dark and unsavory at times. One must be brave to face the Dark
Side of oneself by discarding the false face-masks that one wears for the
world and also for oneself. One must be ready to unmask and be NAKED , ready
for a certain of kind NIRVANA, a psychological nudity , a baring of oneself
of prejudices that condition our ordinary experiences.

Thus dreaming experience is purificatory in a way and when one
persists in it , interpret and gain a proper understanding of the hidden meaning, there is
the destruction of IGNORANCE or the anjnjaanam in the Indian philosophies.
And as we persist more and more in this task, more of this Abconsciousness
is destroyed and inner self flooded with INNER RADIANCE or uLLOLI. It is
actually wiping clean the dirty windows so that the light that is always
there shines within undistorted and unsullied. The SEEING becomes PURE so
that the understanding becomes free of falsities. In the end it leads to
enjoying the ABSOLUTE understanding i.e. civanjaanam, the TRUTH. One gains
an understanding of METAPHYSICA UNIVERSALIS that is in the bosom of every person
only waiting to be owned and appropriated as the understanding of self itself.. 

The deeply symbolic dreams are actually archetypal in nature and hence
disclosures of BEING itself. Each archetype is a presentation of BEING and
not the product of mental fictions. One does not fantasize or imagine them
even transcendentally. They are presentations of BEING , shapes BEING
assumes in order to enact the DRAMA of life however BEING remaining forever
uninvolved in the PLAY. BEING does not play as a sport or anything like
that, it is not a LILA , game of amusements but a more serious unfoldment
of the GRACE of BEING, an infinite KINDNESS that knows only the sufferings
of the souls. Being FULL OF LOVE, BEING assumes these archetypal forms to
instruct and illuminate the psychic beings suffering in their worldly
entanglement. Such deep dreaming experiences are LIBERATING through
providing ILLUMINATIONS of a profound kind.


( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )

( Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash with thanks )

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