
Thursday, 7 May 2020

The Universe as the ultimate holy text of Tamil Agamic Science

Hindus in general struggle for an answer when asked the question : ' What is the holy text of Hinduisme'? The Vedanties will say the Vedas, some will say Tirukural, some Bhagavad Gita and so on. The answer will be so many different holy texts. As the HIndus have many holy texts that they will have difficulty agreeing on a single most authoritative text. 

In this video, Sivakumar gives a single most authoritative text as the answer to this question. He says that the universe and the world we live in is the most authoritative holy text from the Tamil Agamic Science point of view. Though this idea of the universe and the world as the most authoritative text has been around since the days of Tirukural, it was never clearly understood until its recent rediscovery by Ullaganar in the 1990's. 

Ari Marappan

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