Talk by Sivakumar Ramakrishnan where he explains that Tamil language and culture contains within itself the tools for humans to evolve to higher consciousness.
The awareness of this seems very limited, even among the Tamils. Most of those who claim to champion and protect Tamil language only look at Tamil with a limited vision as a language and pride themselves with it's antiquity and its vastness in literature. Least are they aware that Tamil contains the science for humans to evolve to higher consciousness. And these Tamil chauvinists, if I may use the word, use Tamil as a tool for political purposes by using the Aryan-Dravidian divide by claiming these hidden sciences as Aryan and has nothing to do with Tamil and Dravidian. They alienate these sciences as do not belong to the Tamils as in their propaganda, these are Aryan in origin and therefore the Tamils should shun and disassociate themselves from these.
The Aryan-Dravidian divide, though it is a colonial construction, was seized upon by opportunists from both sides of the divide for political gains. The 'Aryan' side used this divide to promote their superiority and look down upon the Dravidian. Rig-Veda, the generally accepted most ancient Sanskrit text which is dated to be around 1500 BC was used to compare with the oldest Tamil text which is Tolkaapiyam, dated to be round 500 BC. Since Rig-Veda is older than Tolkaapiyam, therefore Sanskrit is logically assumed to be older than Tamil and Tamil must have originated from Sanskrit. As a further development of this, all religious practices of the Tamils must have come from the Aryans and it was further claimed that Tamils did not have anything of their own origin. Even Lord Murugan, was given a Sanskrit name of Subramania and so on and it was propagated that Lord Murugan is of Aryan origin too. The Tamils were pictured as an inferior race and were looked down upon.
With this scenario, and knowing the pride of the Tamils towards their mother tongue, the Tamils were badly hurt and some leaders in the Tamil community took a bold step. They disassociated themselves with anything Aryan, including religion and language. Periyar EV Ramasamy's 'Self Respect Movement' played an important part in this disassociation. With regards to religion, the Tamils blindly shunned all the Aryan gods, which means practically all the gods under the Hinduisme umbrella. This lead to the Dravidian movement claiming atheism as their belief system as they did not want to be associated with the Aryan gods. In terms of language, any Sanskrit sounding words were purged from Tamil and Devaneya Pavanar was instrumental in this when he started 'Pure Tamil movement'. The motive was the same, get rid of anything Aryan. In his 1966 Primary Classical language of the World, Devaneya Pavanar a brilliant etymologist from Tamilnadu countered the north Indians assertion of Sanskrit as the mother of all Indian languages including Tamil by claiming that the Tamil language is a proto-world language, being the oldest language of the world, from which all other major languages of the world are derived. He believed that its literature, later called Sangam literature and usually considered to have been written from 200 BC and 300 AD, spanned a huge period from 10000 to 5500 BC to predate Tamil from Sanskrit. This claim is yet to be acknowledged by mainstream scholars and researchers. Devaneya Pavanar's etymological studies on Tamil still stands unshaken and unchallenged till now even by modern etymologists. In short, atheism became the belief system of the Dravidian political parties and 'Pure Tamil', both of which were heavily promoted among the masses which was accepted with much fervour among the people.
I want to give an example to show the extend of this disassociation before I move on. For ages,the Tamil new year was celebrated in the Tamil month of Chitirai for a very scientific reason. Now come the Dravidian group and other Tamil chauvinists, who started propagating that Chitirai is not the Tamil new year as it is Aryan and the actual Tamil new year is the ponggal festival which comes in the month of Thai. These chauvinists don't have an iota of scientific knowledge about why the Tamils since time immemorial have been celebrating Chitirai as the Tamil new year. They dont understand the scientific basis behind it. All they know is that Chitirai is Aryan, therefore it is not Tamil, therefore discard. By dicarding, the scientific knowledge behind this is forever lost by the Tamils and it becomes someone else knowledge. What a waste!
This lead to the Tamils ignoring and abandoning the great scientific works of their forefathers on every other field except language. It must be noted that the ancient Tamil literature with regards to belief systems and philosophy largely outnumber the Sanskrit literature. It is also not an exaggeration to say that the Tamil literature can easily overshadow and drown Sanskrit literature in terms of depth of very scientific nature. These literatures are scientific in the sense that they belong to hermeneutic science where the investigation is on our existence and our destination. Texts such as Tolkaapiyam, Tirukural, Tirumantiram, Civanyaana Botham are in essence hermeneutical, where the objective is 'TRUTH SEEKING'.
As this disassociation was going on, two brilliant Tamil scholars, one from Sri Lanka by the name of A Sathasivam who is an Oxford trained linguist and another from Malaysia by the name of Loganathan Mutharayan, a mathematician and a graduate of the University of Otago in New Zealand also known as Ullaganar were researching the Sumerian language. Sumerian as it is well established is the oldest known civilisation in the world. The Sumerian language has been well deciphered and it's literature predates Rig-Veda by a few thousand years. At about the same time, Iravatham Mahadevan was researching the Indus Valley scripts. A Sathasivam and Ullaganar, both of whom made independent research on the Sumerian language, came to a very interesting conclusion, which is Sumerian is Tamil. Iravatham Mahadevan's research proposes a Dravidian origin of the Indus Valley scripts. These findings are very significant as they go contrary to the Aryan Invasion Theory and the propaganda that Tamil roots are in Sanskrit. Ullaganar's research goes further where he proves that Sanskrit is an offshoot of Sumerotamil, therefore Tamil is the base of Sanskrit. This finding turns the tide against the so called Aryan race. It must be mentioned that though Iravatham Mahadevan's research have got some notice in India, the research work of A Sathasivam and Ullaganar has practically gone unnoticed until now though it is very significant to understand the relationship between Sanskrit and Tamil. Another scholar from the United States by the name of Clyde Winters, through his independent research also comes to the conclusion that Sumerian is Tamil with an African origin.
Now, the Tamils are yet to know the significance of the research findings of A Sathasivam and Ullaganar. By proving that Sumerian is Tamil and Sanskrit is an offshoot of Sumerotamil, Tamil should gain the rightful place in the Indian history specifically and the world generally. The gods that have been portrayed as Aryan gods, with this new findings are in fact Tamil gods, where you can find the worship of Siva, Sakti, Durga, Murugan and so on in Sumeria.
While the west developed great sciences in the physical sciences, the Tamils excelled in the metaphysical, where the focus of research was to find the meaning of our existence. And the methodology used by the Tamils was hermeneutical. This hermeneutical orientation of the Tamils can be seen even among the Sumerians. This lead to great developments in the hermeneutical sciences where all the great texts of the Tamils are hermeneutical in nature as mentioned above.
Now, sadly the Tamils are still caught in the Aryan-Dravidian divide and most are ignorant of the great knowledge found in these ancient Tamil texts. Ullaganar has done a lot of research where he compared the knowledge found in ancient Tamil texts such as Tolkaapiyam, Tirumanthiram and so on and with the western findings. It must be mentioned that the Tamils were so far advanced compared to western sciences. I provide an example below to illustrate this point:

There are many examples that we can provide, but sufficient to give this one example to illustrate my point.
The Tamils should stop discarding the idea of looking at Tamil as just a language and delve deep into ancient Tamil texts to see the kind of knowledge that their Tamil forefathers developed. These hidden sciences got to be brought out to the open and Tamils should pride themselves not in the antiquity of Tamil alone but in the sciences that Tamil contains, something that we can hardly find in other languages, not even Sanskrit. These are deep sciences that can easily match modern day discoveries and beyond. Most importantly, do not discard anything in the name of non-Tamil and Aryan origin, when in fact there is nothing which is Aryan. It is all Tamil if you take into consideration of the fact that Sumerian is Tamil and the Indus Valley Civilisation too looks Dravidian. Discarding them is akin to throwing away treasures of immense value that our Tamil forefathers painstakingly discovered for the benefit and well-being of not only the Tamils, their direct descendants but for all human beings!
To add another point, while these Tamil chauvinists are so enthusiastic in promoting pure Tamil by discarding and purging so called Sanskrit words from Tamil, they are at the same time busy coining new words from English into Tamil! Words like 'Facebook' and 'Whattsapp'. What an irony!
And it is indeed true that Tamil is not just a language, it is a tool to evolve to higher consciousness! And the gods that the Tamils have been praying to are indeed of Tamil origin!
It has always perplexed me from young, when great temples are all over Tamilnadu with its vast ancient texts about gods, how can Tamils be labelled as atheists ?
Wake up Tamilians !
Ari Marappan.
Note : Ullaganar's research associate, Sivakumar Ramakrishnan, another brilliant scholar who is currently lecturing in University Science Malaysia is a well versed researcher and the Tamils worldwide should spend time listening to Sivakumar's talks in youtube to get an idea of this great science, which we call 'Agamic Science'. The word 'agamam' itself is a Tamil word, meaning 'becoming'. His talks are available at the following youtube channel:
The Aryan-Dravidian divide, though it is a colonial construction, was seized upon by opportunists from both sides of the divide for political gains. The 'Aryan' side used this divide to promote their superiority and look down upon the Dravidian. Rig-Veda, the generally accepted most ancient Sanskrit text which is dated to be around 1500 BC was used to compare with the oldest Tamil text which is Tolkaapiyam, dated to be round 500 BC. Since Rig-Veda is older than Tolkaapiyam, therefore Sanskrit is logically assumed to be older than Tamil and Tamil must have originated from Sanskrit. As a further development of this, all religious practices of the Tamils must have come from the Aryans and it was further claimed that Tamils did not have anything of their own origin. Even Lord Murugan, was given a Sanskrit name of Subramania and so on and it was propagated that Lord Murugan is of Aryan origin too. The Tamils were pictured as an inferior race and were looked down upon.
With this scenario, and knowing the pride of the Tamils towards their mother tongue, the Tamils were badly hurt and some leaders in the Tamil community took a bold step. They disassociated themselves with anything Aryan, including religion and language. Periyar EV Ramasamy's 'Self Respect Movement' played an important part in this disassociation. With regards to religion, the Tamils blindly shunned all the Aryan gods, which means practically all the gods under the Hinduisme umbrella. This lead to the Dravidian movement claiming atheism as their belief system as they did not want to be associated with the Aryan gods. In terms of language, any Sanskrit sounding words were purged from Tamil and Devaneya Pavanar was instrumental in this when he started 'Pure Tamil movement'. The motive was the same, get rid of anything Aryan. In his 1966 Primary Classical language of the World, Devaneya Pavanar a brilliant etymologist from Tamilnadu countered the north Indians assertion of Sanskrit as the mother of all Indian languages including Tamil by claiming that the Tamil language is a proto-world language, being the oldest language of the world, from which all other major languages of the world are derived. He believed that its literature, later called Sangam literature and usually considered to have been written from 200 BC and 300 AD, spanned a huge period from 10000 to 5500 BC to predate Tamil from Sanskrit. This claim is yet to be acknowledged by mainstream scholars and researchers. Devaneya Pavanar's etymological studies on Tamil still stands unshaken and unchallenged till now even by modern etymologists. In short, atheism became the belief system of the Dravidian political parties and 'Pure Tamil', both of which were heavily promoted among the masses which was accepted with much fervour among the people.
I want to give an example to show the extend of this disassociation before I move on. For ages,the Tamil new year was celebrated in the Tamil month of Chitirai for a very scientific reason. Now come the Dravidian group and other Tamil chauvinists, who started propagating that Chitirai is not the Tamil new year as it is Aryan and the actual Tamil new year is the ponggal festival which comes in the month of Thai. These chauvinists don't have an iota of scientific knowledge about why the Tamils since time immemorial have been celebrating Chitirai as the Tamil new year. They dont understand the scientific basis behind it. All they know is that Chitirai is Aryan, therefore it is not Tamil, therefore discard. By dicarding, the scientific knowledge behind this is forever lost by the Tamils and it becomes someone else knowledge. What a waste!
This lead to the Tamils ignoring and abandoning the great scientific works of their forefathers on every other field except language. It must be noted that the ancient Tamil literature with regards to belief systems and philosophy largely outnumber the Sanskrit literature. It is also not an exaggeration to say that the Tamil literature can easily overshadow and drown Sanskrit literature in terms of depth of very scientific nature. These literatures are scientific in the sense that they belong to hermeneutic science where the investigation is on our existence and our destination. Texts such as Tolkaapiyam, Tirukural, Tirumantiram, Civanyaana Botham are in essence hermeneutical, where the objective is 'TRUTH SEEKING'.
As this disassociation was going on, two brilliant Tamil scholars, one from Sri Lanka by the name of A Sathasivam who is an Oxford trained linguist and another from Malaysia by the name of Loganathan Mutharayan, a mathematician and a graduate of the University of Otago in New Zealand also known as Ullaganar were researching the Sumerian language. Sumerian as it is well established is the oldest known civilisation in the world. The Sumerian language has been well deciphered and it's literature predates Rig-Veda by a few thousand years. At about the same time, Iravatham Mahadevan was researching the Indus Valley scripts. A Sathasivam and Ullaganar, both of whom made independent research on the Sumerian language, came to a very interesting conclusion, which is Sumerian is Tamil. Iravatham Mahadevan's research proposes a Dravidian origin of the Indus Valley scripts. These findings are very significant as they go contrary to the Aryan Invasion Theory and the propaganda that Tamil roots are in Sanskrit. Ullaganar's research goes further where he proves that Sanskrit is an offshoot of Sumerotamil, therefore Tamil is the base of Sanskrit. This finding turns the tide against the so called Aryan race. It must be mentioned that though Iravatham Mahadevan's research have got some notice in India, the research work of A Sathasivam and Ullaganar has practically gone unnoticed until now though it is very significant to understand the relationship between Sanskrit and Tamil. Another scholar from the United States by the name of Clyde Winters, through his independent research also comes to the conclusion that Sumerian is Tamil with an African origin.
Now, the Tamils are yet to know the significance of the research findings of A Sathasivam and Ullaganar. By proving that Sumerian is Tamil and Sanskrit is an offshoot of Sumerotamil, Tamil should gain the rightful place in the Indian history specifically and the world generally. The gods that have been portrayed as Aryan gods, with this new findings are in fact Tamil gods, where you can find the worship of Siva, Sakti, Durga, Murugan and so on in Sumeria.
While the west developed great sciences in the physical sciences, the Tamils excelled in the metaphysical, where the focus of research was to find the meaning of our existence. And the methodology used by the Tamils was hermeneutical. This hermeneutical orientation of the Tamils can be seen even among the Sumerians. This lead to great developments in the hermeneutical sciences where all the great texts of the Tamils are hermeneutical in nature as mentioned above.
Now, sadly the Tamils are still caught in the Aryan-Dravidian divide and most are ignorant of the great knowledge found in these ancient Tamil texts. Ullaganar has done a lot of research where he compared the knowledge found in ancient Tamil texts such as Tolkaapiyam, Tirumanthiram and so on and with the western findings. It must be mentioned that the Tamils were so far advanced compared to western sciences. I provide an example below to illustrate this point:

There are many examples that we can provide, but sufficient to give this one example to illustrate my point.
The Tamils should stop discarding the idea of looking at Tamil as just a language and delve deep into ancient Tamil texts to see the kind of knowledge that their Tamil forefathers developed. These hidden sciences got to be brought out to the open and Tamils should pride themselves not in the antiquity of Tamil alone but in the sciences that Tamil contains, something that we can hardly find in other languages, not even Sanskrit. These are deep sciences that can easily match modern day discoveries and beyond. Most importantly, do not discard anything in the name of non-Tamil and Aryan origin, when in fact there is nothing which is Aryan. It is all Tamil if you take into consideration of the fact that Sumerian is Tamil and the Indus Valley Civilisation too looks Dravidian. Discarding them is akin to throwing away treasures of immense value that our Tamil forefathers painstakingly discovered for the benefit and well-being of not only the Tamils, their direct descendants but for all human beings!
To add another point, while these Tamil chauvinists are so enthusiastic in promoting pure Tamil by discarding and purging so called Sanskrit words from Tamil, they are at the same time busy coining new words from English into Tamil! Words like 'Facebook' and 'Whattsapp'. What an irony!
And it is indeed true that Tamil is not just a language, it is a tool to evolve to higher consciousness! And the gods that the Tamils have been praying to are indeed of Tamil origin!
It has always perplexed me from young, when great temples are all over Tamilnadu with its vast ancient texts about gods, how can Tamils be labelled as atheists ?
Wake up Tamilians !
Ari Marappan.
Note : Ullaganar's research associate, Sivakumar Ramakrishnan, another brilliant scholar who is currently lecturing in University Science Malaysia is a well versed researcher and the Tamils worldwide should spend time listening to Sivakumar's talks in youtube to get an idea of this great science, which we call 'Agamic Science'. The word 'agamam' itself is a Tamil word, meaning 'becoming'. His talks are available at the following youtube channel:
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