Each action has its own elicitations which are inscribed as traces in the unconscious mind. This is called Puriyaddatheekam which I understand as a mantra body, the so called Avi in ordinary language. This may be the jelly-like stuff the rishies see.
While the body may decay the soul does not and continues to exist as this mantra-body and assumes another birth consistent with traces inscribed. This is a very old notion in India.
Among the karma traces, Sanjitham is that which is already present in the Sittam or somewhere in the deepest part of the mind and which can be taken as a store-house of all possibilities to be and act. The Aakaamiyam is that which is acquired from the store of sanjitham by the actions one effects. Part of this goes to the deepest unconscious, deeper than even the Sittam and which is the anma itself and re-emerges as the consequences of the action in this life itself and sometimes in the next life depending upon the depth of the actions. Because of this, it is called pra-artha, meaning that which goes across.
We must note here that it is more archaic than even the genetical coding that is being investigated quite extensively in the West and probably only available for transductive perceptions of Rishies and Siddhas.
This much is the standard stuff.
However it has been interpreted as a kind of FATALISM-- one CANNOT win the FATE, the Karma. It has also been used to justify caste distinctions, sex discriminations and other social malpractices and injustices. If a person is born of a higher caste it said it is all because of the past karma and therefore no one can question it etc. . Such defeatist interpretation has killed all the initiative of the Tamils and Hindus in general and made them socially indifferent to the plights of the poor. When they see a man suffering,the indifference is rationalized by saying that person deserves it because of his own Karma etc.
But this is contrary to Saiva Siddhanta proper, the way I understand it, for e.g. as that expounded by Meykandar and numerous Siddhas. Whatever handicap we have at birth we CAN OVERCOME them even the evil Karma and attain what they call Kanma Oppu, neutralizing kaanmiyam and rise above it through the GRACE or ARUL of BEING. There are actions that elicit aruL over and above karmic traces and such actions CAN ANNUL every limitation imposed by the Praarthta Kanmam etc. This line of thinking about actions and their effects is NOT popular at all.
In order to drive in this point I have proposed a NEW THEORY OF ACTION in my Siddhanta TiruneRi a small book I wrote more than 20 years ago.
Actions must be seen in terms of how ARUL is elicited, the engracing processes are augmented. The uzaRci vinaikaL are actions that are FOR self and as such they are circulatory, forever in the clutches of sanjitham, aakamiyam, praartham etc. The kazaRci vinaikaL are the LEARNING kind of actions in which the mummalam gets destroyed along with elicitations of higher kind of Karmic traces that serve to bring some improvement through enlightenment. Then we have the Uzacci vinaikaL, actions which bring about EVOLUTIONARY changes and hence transformations into the higher kind of individuals. Then we have the Malarcci VinaikaL which are NO MORE with self-agency but only with DIVINE-agency. Such actions are CIVAC SEYAL and such actions bring about the releasement from Karma.
Of course ThoNdu, service to society, is sivac ceyal par excellence and the thoNdu type actions will result in overcoming the ill effects of all past Karma. This was the model of religious life presented by our Nayanmars and Azwars who were all for human equality and which is almost dead now.
Well over and above these we also have the Viizcci vinaikaL, actions done under the pull of mummalam especially aaNavam. The karmic traces elicited by such actions is the source of miseries, death, disease, mental disorders etc. This is because instead of increasing ARUL they not only diminish it but INCREASE the presence of aaNaavam Malam that which causes DEATH. Chronic alcoholism, criminality, carnal sexuality, theft, gangsterism etc are of this type
Now this view has another dimension to it: the Psychodynamic Theory of Motivations far more differentiated than that of Freud or even Jung.
The credit for developing this must go to the Siddhas. Probably it originates from Meykandars observation that BEING pulls all psychic entities unto Itself like a magnet would pieces of iron in its vicinity.
BEING establishes non-neutralizable PULL or a TROPISM unto itself and which is experienced by all human beings as various kinds of wants, interests and desires.
We have :
1. Lumenotropism (Ida kalai Nadi) ,
2. Charmenotropism (Pingkalai Nadi) and
3. Numenotropism (the Suzi munai Nadi).
But grounding all these are foundational Muktotropism (Guru Nadi) And above all these and as opposed to them is the Giggotropism (MaraNa Nadi), that which is the source of evil, death depressions distress etc.
They correspond roughly to Freud's Eros (Charmenotropism), Kratos ( Lumenotropism) and Thanathos (Giggotropism) The rest are not available as Freud did NOT recognize the reality of BEING.
The above class of actions can be understood as arising through these kinds of psychodynamics.
What is fascinating is that the Muktropism is there at the deepest recesses of the Human Mind IRRESPECTIVE of all differences in religion, culture etc And furthermore they are empirically determinable with the use of the ACCESS Tests that I have discovered.
I can go on. But the most important thing is that as long as we continue to perform the Kazarcci, Uzcci and Malarcci type of actions we are assured of all the good things in life including longevity, higher personal standing, happiness etc.
We NEED NOT BE A PRISONER to the Karma that comes along with the present birth.
The religious life the Siddhas recommended includes both mental and physical well-being without which no one can function effectively in the world including the economical and socio-political.
I have to emphasize these dimensions of Karma Theory for it has been submerged and made a tool for the indolence and complacency so characteristic of Tamil mind today.
(11-4-2003, AG)
Note : Charmenortopism, Numenotropism, Luminotropism and Giggotropism are words coined by Ullaganar for he couldn't find an English equivalent.
( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )
( image taken from https://buddhaweekly.com/ with thanks )
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