Icon Thinking belongs a distinct field of Hermeneutic Science that can be called Hermeneutic Semiotics.
Various kinds of metaphysical meanings are encrypted into various kinds of symbols, some natural and some non-natural. For example the cobra is natural but recast as of semiotic significance and hence an icon. However the five hooded or thousand hooded Snake (the Vaasuki, Aticedan etc) are non-natural and elements of transductive perception (similar to those in dream experience). To this category we can also include the Fiery Dragon that plays a central role in the Chinese Culture.
Such elements natural looking or non natural, are METAPHORICAL in essence and hence do not belong to field of natural sciences but the field of Hermeneutic Sciences. Within the external shape of various kinds of snakes is HIDDEN a meaning and getting at this MEANING becomes the task of the Hermeneutic Semiotics.
Since the icons are a kind of metaphors, questioning them with respect to the norms of natural science are MISPLACED and inappropriate.
For example we cannot ask questions about the reality of the Five Hooded Snake, its whereabouts, evolutionary history and so forth. They belong to the DREAM WORLD and hence are elements of transductive perceptions rather than sensory perceptions. However because of this it does not mean they are subjective fancies, mere fantasies, wild imaginations and so forth. They are OBJECTIVE realities only that the mode in which a vision of them is gained is dream-experience. Among the active dreamers, a dream vision of such snakes is possible.
Since visions of icons are available only under extraordinary states of consciousness that are akin to dream experiences, TEMPLES are built as a MEDIA for not only the RETENTION of such experiences but also to INITIATE the individuals for whom such experiences still remain unavailable. In entering into a temple and getting fully engrossed in the symbolic world of the icons there, a person is LIFTED UP into the metaphysical realms and in that also torn away from the physical.
The worship here means retaining the icons in memory with reverence and waiting for the icon to POSSESS the self and therewith GRACE the individual. An invitation is sent and willingness is expressed for the entry and installation of the ICON worshiped. An individual praying towards Saraswati for example, indicates his desire for Saraswati to emerge from the depths of his own self and POSSESS self as if by magic and channel the psychic energies in the direction of scholarship etc.
Now it may possible that such temple-centered Icon Thinking is also available for some persons in their encounters with the natural world. The caves, hills, rivers, trees and so forth may activate the same cognitive mechanisms as those underlying the dream experiences or the Icon Thinking. Thus the natural world becomes the TEMPLE for such individuals and objects there become the ICONS. Thus such individuals DO NOT SEE the natural world, as would natural scientists but rather as a Hermeneutic Scientist where he sees the natural as ICONS and hence as elements that have Metaphysical Meanings.
We use the word ‘animism’ for such a way of seeing the natural world and which is different from that of the natural scientist. But the natural scientist CANNOT disprove this ‘animism' for it is simply a different way of seeing the world, which has its own validity. Also it is NOT irrational etc for it belongs to the filed of Hermeneutic Science and which has its own LOGIC.
Loganathan @ Ullaganar
( Editing and re-paragraphing by his student )
( photo from :https://pixabay.com/ with thanks )
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