
Monday, 16 January 2017

C G Jung and Loganathan's view on psychology and metaphysics.

Question 4: Do you ignore the importance of other disciplines for the psyche?

Goldbrunner in his INDIVIDUATION, page 161, says that your treatment of "what God is in Himself" is a question which you regard as beyond the scope os psychology, and adds: "This implies a positivistic, agnostic renunciation of all metaphysics." Do you agree that your treatment amounts to that? Would you not agree that such subjects as metaphysics and history have their place in the experience of the psyche?


I do not ignore the importance of other disciplines for the psyche. When I was professor at the E.T.H. in Zurich I lectured for a whole year about Tantrism and for another year about the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Moreover, I have written a number of books about the peculiar spiritual discipline of the alchemists.

What Goldbrunner says is quite correct. I don't know what God is himself. I don't suffer from megalomania. Psychology to me is an honest science that recognizes its own boundaries, and I am not a philosopher or a theologian who believes in his ability to step beyond the epistemological barrier. Science is made by man, which does not mean that there are not occasionally acts of grace permitting transgression into the realms beyond. I don't depreciate or deny such facts, but to me they are beyond the scope of science as pointed out above. I believe firmly in the intrinsic value of the human attempt to gain understanding, but also recognize that the human mind cannot step beyond itself, although divine grace may probably does allow at least glimpses into a transcendental order of things. But I am neither able to give a rational account of such divine intervention nor can I prove them……….


It is very clear to me that Jung does not entertain at all the notion of Hermeneutic Science and that Psychology along with all other human sciences including History , Music, Linguistics etc is in fact a  fundamental kind of Hermeneutic Science. As such it evolves naturally into Metaphysics .

Philosophy is  a FUNDAMENTAL  METAPHYSICS and all metaphysical inquiries when pursued rationally are Hermeneutic Science.  Jung is confining himself into the ego centered sciences and understands Psychology within that without realizing that even this is a product of Divine Grace.

Divine Grace is NOT just the disruptive explosions of the Unconscious; it permeates everything and without it there is nothing.  And transgressions are always there.  When a person becomes scientific, he becomes rational,  transgressing the state of irrationality, belief in  magic and superstition.  Similarly  there is another higher state of Being-in-the World, where even RATIONALITY IS TRANSCENDED and this is what Jung is reluctant to admit. The human mind CAN GO BEYOND ITSELF and it has to do by withdrawing every ego assertions and allow oneself to be completely taken over by BEING, the Absolute.

And until the ULTIMATE point of  ONENESS with BEING, the self cannot but be INTERPRETIVE and hence hermeneutic scientific. Every experience, including the ego-less transcendental remains interpretive and hence hermeneutic scientific. To the END of existence, the rational person remains hermeneutical and in this  he brings even the religious.

And it is here that the greatest resistance is met with  but which Agamic Psychology is determined to overcome. 

Loganathan @ Ullaganar

( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )

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