
Monday, 23 January 2023

The Tamil Hermeneutics and Metaphysics - Part 30

 On Disconstructing Marxism

Marxism, if I am not mistaken arose through despiritualising the essentially spiritual metaphysics of Hegel. 

His dialectics of thesis antithesis and synthesis was replaced with the dialectics of material forces with its consequent result of looking at history in terms of class wars, bourgeois vs the proletariat. 

The spiritual oneness of mankind was also reunderstood in terms of egalitarian principles and that have become the main aspect of their philosophy that has been immensely appealing throughout the world. And within the background of the caste-promoting Brahmanism, it will continue to be attractive as there is something deeply true and perhaps also deeply spiritual about it. It stands for the equality of mankind in some sense mostly economic and political.

But should spiritual foundation of existence be beyond the rational mind? I don't think so. Once we look at EXISTENCE and analyze it along the lines of Hermeneutic Science and as an exercise in which we GAIN an understanding of existence with INTERPRETING what is available there and this without quoting the scriptures the rishies, acharyas and so forth, we can secure the essential spirituality of existence.

The clue is provided by the following verses of Arunandi from his massive Civanjana Cittiyaar.

He notes the element of LOVE between a man and a woman is essentially spiritual and in this he is helped immensely by the detailed and empirical analysis of LOVE life of Tolkaapiyar and also the Kaamatup Paal of Tiruvalluvar and a host of other such texts in ancient Tamil.

In this there is an interesting theory of evolution which should be termed Disclosive- Evolution as distinct from the Adaptive-Evolution or Emergent-Evolution of the West. The Disclosive Evolution notes that there is a kind of cosmic dynamics where the hidden and concealed, those that lurk in the depths surface to the fore and become the phenomenal. Like the famous box of the Chinese, as you take out one box there is another in it, and another in that and so forth.

The dynamics of LOVE life which is phenomenal and universal, at least among the human beings, has as its Deepest Structure, not the mechanisms of physical, biological, sexual, psychological and so forth but the the spiritual -- BEING differentiating into the MALE and FEMALE and maintaining LOVE as that which binds them. There is LOVE in the world, as the phenomenal presence at least among the human beings only because at the deepest level, there is the WOMAN and MAN in LOVE with each other; the human love life is the Dance of Civa-Sakthi in union with the Civa tatvas - Natham and Bindu.

Perhaps in the disconstruction of the Marxism and the dry materialistic secularism these views of Arunandi, his Disclosive Evolution may be of some use, I think.


kaaraNam avaiyenRatu ennai
kadaati pool nikaz kaariyam
neer aNaintu camaintu ninRidum
enpatum neerkiloom
poor aNaintidum onRoodonRu
poruntumaakil varuntiyum
niir aNaitoru tiiyin ninRatu
kaNdataayin nikazttidee


Lokayata! You maintain that it is unnecessary to say it is BEING who feeds the Karma in accordance with the actions effected and because of which we have sexual differences among the creatures and reproductive processes along with it, and maintain that like pots and pans, the reproductive processes are physical in that the basic physical elements come to mix in appropriate measures and emerge as a creature. But however this NOT something observable in the world. Furthermore you maintain that physical elements are attracted to each other by gravitational forces and mixing thus create the offsprings . But again this is unacceptable for we do not see Fire attracting Water and water standing in some combination with Fire. If you have seen instances such as these, let us know.


puutameevum puNarcciyee puri
kaaya kaaraNamaakumeel
kaatal aaNodu peNNum meevu
puNarcci kaaraNam aavaten
aatiyee ulakattil aaNodu
peNNumaay aNai kaariyam
naatan naayakiyoodu kuudi
nayanta kaaranam enparee


Lokayata ! You maintain that reproduction of creatures take place on account of the gravitational pulls the basic elements have for each other and because of which they combine in various ways producing the offsprings and so forth. Then how to explain the fact at least among the human beings this is not so and that sexual arousal that leads to conjugational activities that brings about regeneration of the species take place only on account of LOVE as such. To explain the sexual union of a male and female the wise say all these things are real in the world only because BEING, as the Androgynous Reality has a Male Aspect and a Female Aspect and there comes to be LOVE as such only because the Male looks lovingly at the Female


AruNandi is at great pains to point out that the element of LOVE that exists among human beings and which underlies sexual union between a male and female ( possibly also among lower creatures) cannot be explained in terms of gravitational pulls that exist among the brute physical elements or even in turns of psychophysical processes underlying the biological and sexual. The world process is basically physical but written into it is the biological and in it the sexual and psychological.

The biological contains within itself the sexual differentiation. However we have now another reality -- the PSYCHOLOGICAL -- and within which emerges LOVE as such and along with it, the higher plane of existence, the SPIRITUAL.

Love between man and woman, as already studied in great depth by Tolkaapiyar, is NOT any rule governed behavior and, which woman will love which man remains immensely mystical -- always transcends any rules that we can concoct in terms of psychological or sociological principles. Finally it is concluded that LOVE between a man and woman is a matter of aruL, something that happens only because it is willed so by BEING, or as Tolkaappiyar would say 'paalatu aaNai", i.e. happens only in accordance with the DECREE of BEING.

There is LOVE in the world only because at the deepest metaphysical level there is LOVE between BEING-as-Male and BEING-as -Female, the Saivite Adam and Eve. Thus LOVE as such is not even psychical, it EXCEEDS it and because of it rather spiritual. 

The most spiritual remains manifest and phenomenal in the LOVE between a man and a woman.


( Editing and re-paragraphing by his student )

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