The Melting Heart and the Gift of Transductive Perceptions
The psychoanalysis of Appar, the kind of movement of the mind where a true understanding of the sexual impulses is gained, is NOT simply an academic exercise. No matter how acute the thinking is and how sharp and analytical the mental functioning is, the person may not succeed in fathoming the TRUTH especially about sexuality. For, once we begin to understand the roots of sexuality, we are also on the way towards the ultimate understanding, the Civanjanam that would also provide us with RELEASEMENT from the huge prison of endless phenomenal existence, historicity, the Samsara and so forth.
But what is the precondition?
The deep insights into the essence of sexuality, with which all of us are afflicted and from which we try to escape in so many ways, is finally a BLESSING, a gift of BEING. The deep secrets are DISCLOSED or revealed only for deserving - the Third Eye is opened and they are given to SEE the presence of Siva-Sakti in the depths of every phenomenal expression of sexuality and love.
But who are the deserving?
Those who do not go around sharpening their intellect with endless analytical exercise but rather indulge in the contemplation of sexuality and deep love and with that also become egoless, gentle and soft. The contemplation of LOVE and CARE cultures the FEELINGS, the heart and when a person becomes sufficiently cultured in this way, then and only then the third eye is opened and he is led to see the Siva-Sakti at the deepest at all the phenomenal expression of sexuality.
தண்மதிக் கண்ணியினானைத் தையல் நல்லாளொடும் பாடி
உண்மெலி சிந்தையராகி உணரா உருகா வருவேன்
அண்ணல் அமர்ந்துறைகின்ற ஐயாறு அடைகின்ற போது
வண்ணப் பகன்றிலோடி ஆடி வைகி வருவன கண்டேன் கண்டேன் அவர் திருப்பாதம் கண்டறியாதன கண்டேன்
அமுதம் சொரியும் சிறப்பால் குளிர்ந்த இளம்பிறையை மக்களுக்கு உதவும் வகையில் கண்னணியாகச் சூடி சந்திரசேகரனாக விளங்கும் சிவபெருமானை, இனிய மகளிர் தம் வனப்பிற்கெல்லாம் மூல வித்தாக விளங்கும் தையல் நல்லாளாகிய உமையம்மையொடு புகழ்ந்து பாடி, அவ்விருவர் பால் விளங்கும் அயரா பிரியா அன்பினை நினைத்து நினைத்து உள்ளம் மென்மையாகும் சிந்தையராகி , அதனை நலமே உணர்ந்தும் அதனை அருளும் சிவசத்தி வடிவினை சிந்தித்து உள்ளம் நெக்குருகி சிவபெருமான் உமையம்மையோடு அமர்ந்திருக்கும் ஐயாறு எனும் சிவத்தலத்தை நெருங்குவேன். அதுபொழுது, இப்படிப்பட்ட இணை பிரியா காதலைக் காட்டும் பகன்றில் எனும் வண்ணைப் பறவை தன் துணையோடு ஆடி இணைந்து வாழ்ந்தவா வருவன கண்டேன். அதுபொழுது ஊனக் கண்ணால் காண்டற்கு அரிதாகிய சிவபெருமான் நாதவிந்துக்களை பெண்னென ஆணென உயிரினங்கள் எழுமாறு அசைத்தாடும் ஆனந்தத் தாண்டவத்து திருப்பாதங்களை ஞானக்கண்ணிற் கண்டேன்; அதுவரையிலும் நான் கண்டறியாதிருந்த ஆழ் உண்மைகளைக் கண்டு மகிழ்ந்தேன்.
taNmatik kaNNiyinaait taiyal nalllaadum paadi
uNmeli cintaiyaraaki uNaraa urukaa varuveen
aNNal amartuRaikinRa AiyaaRu adaikinRa pootu
vaNNap pakanRil aadi vaiki varuvana kaNdeen
kaNdeen avar tiruppaatam kaNdaRiyaatana kaNdeen
The Crescent Moon Siva wears as Candrasekaran, is COOL because it lets flow the Amutu that cools the heart of all because of sexual pleasures it serves to enjoy. Uma stands as the seed of all feminine charms that evoke the sexual desires. Thus singing their inseparable union out of the deepest LOVE possible, I became one of soft heart at their contemplation. Understanding this and even melting further at the Kindness of BEING for blessing the creatures thus, I was moving towards AiyaaRu, where He resides with Uma. And there on the way I saw the colorful PakanRil, the bird that never separates from its spouse dancing and living together. At that point I saw with my mental eyes, the Divine Feet of Siva ,(where he creates the male and females of all species with agitating the Natam and Bindu). Thus I saw what are impossible to witness with the fleshy eyes alone.
The key phrase in this verse is “uL meli cintaiyaraaki” and which means a reflective exercise that melts the heart and makes one SOFT with LOVE. But what is that which on being contemplated would bring about such a change in FEELINGS and hence a fundamental change in personality, from that of being hard hearted to that of being gentle and loving?
The Icon that brings about this change is that Siva, wearing the Crescent Moon and having Uma, the seed of all feminine charms as Equal Half, the Icon of Ammai-Appar. This icon exemplifies the deepest and unfailing LOVE that is possible between any a man and woman provided they are blessed by this Icon- BEING installs this in a man and woman by way of engracing them. The colorful PakanRil is a kind of bird that never separates from its spouse and should one be separated, then the other remaining would naturally die. We see this kind of love relationship even among some human beings. In such a love, the ego identities are lost, and one exists the same as the other and the death of one would mean also the death of the other.
When we ordinary human beings CONTEMPLATE this Deep Love also as our own possibility, our mind will withdraw from its wild analytical spree and attend to the FEELINGS, the matters of the heart. Thus when we contemplate sexuality and the Deep Love that it hides within, our feelings are cultured and as a result of which we slowly destroy our ego and learn to LOVE all as dear to oneself and with that CARE for all as well.
Appar further melts on realizing this and which is the reason for BEING presenting Himself as Siva-Sakti complex exemplifying the deepest kind of LOVE that is possible also us to enjoy.
( Editing and re-paragraphing by his student )
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