The monument that stands as a TEMPLE is a scripture in plastic form and which stands, because of that, as different from other architectural marvels like palaces, banks, commercial complexes and so forth. What distinguishes the temple is the presence of the SACRED as the aura that prevails there and which strikes anyone who beholds it even in a superficial way. All these happens because BEING discloses Himself through the concrete to EDUCATE the unwary about His presence.
Now in this verse Tirumular takes the Temple, the enclosure, to be the very BODY of BEING that has the Logos AUM itself at the deepest level as its cause and where the mystic rays create the Six Atara Cakras where within each the Panjcakkaram si-vaa-ya-na-ma, activate the five folds processes that lead the anmas into Njanam, the Absolute Metaphysical Illumination that would redeem the soul.
Thus the TEMPLE is not only a TEXT but also a SCRIPTURE only that it is written out of stones, copper and such other metals and NOT by man but by BEING Himself. The idols, their shapes and color, the mythical themes, the sounds of the bell and such other musical instruments, the mantras recited and so forth ANNOUNCE the presence of BEING.
Now why should the Temple architecture be associated with the Six Atara Cakras?
By the very structure and activating principles, the Temple ACTIVATES the Cakras within the anmas, each in accordance with his own pakkuvam or spiritual readiness but all of them capable of being understood as belonging to these Cakras. The lowest may still be in Mulatara and the highest in the Aknja and so forth.
irun_ta ivvaddam irumuunRi reekai
irun_ta vatanuL ireekai yain_taaka
irun_ta aRaikaL irupattanj caaka
irun_ta aRaiyonRil eytum akaaramee.
The Temple considered as the geometrical body of BEING, the globe, stands separated into six compartments or existential abodes (Aataarat Talam) by six rays of light. Now within these penetrate the rays of mantras Si-Vaa-Ya-Na-Ma (serving to illuminate the mind metaphysically). This mantra complex in turn by a process of permutations creates 25 divisions, a division for each aksara. Now as the Deep Structure of all these stands the syllable akaaram (or Aum)
It was mentioned that the temple is a SS where as a matter of fact the DS is the Panjcakkaram with BEING standing there as the source of the spiritual elements creating the aura of the sacred about the temple. The Temple is the body of BEING. The vaddam can be the circle, globe or even more appropriately the ENCLOSURE. Earlier it was explained that as the Gross Body of BEING, the temple has the power to activate the five fold processes of presencing, sustaining, annihilating and all these through disclosing and concealing BEING, the Panjcakrittiyam.
Now in this verse, it is further explained that the Primordial Logos Aum or simply the akaaram stands as the Deepest Structure but beneath the 25 fields created by the permutations of the mantra si-vaa-ya-na-ma. Thus it turns out that the Temple is a presentation of Om itself and hence BEING Himself who does not stand different and distinct from that.
It is also noted that these five fold processes are compartmentalized into the Six Atara Cakras, the Muulataaram and so forth. The five processes are enacted within each one of these divisions and which are created rays invisible to the eyes.
( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )
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