Tirumular, consistent with the Hermeneutic Scientific temper of his investigations talks about the technologies for TGS ( transgressive sexuality ) and the SIGNS of success, should this technology be applied.
Here we should note that in Hermeneutic Science there is NO Theoretic Thinking but only gaining visions, darsanas of what are ALREADY THERE but at the depths. Each such an inner expedition brings into consciousness the elements of DS that AGENTIVELY cause the shape of the observable or experiential matters.
Now if such darsanas of the hidden realities are true and not just simple fictions and imaginations, a TECHNOLOGY should be possible as the APPLICATION of such an understanding and would also furnish SIGNS of success that confirm that the vision has been right and so forth.
Now in these two verses, Tirumular talks, over and above the TGS as above, also Food Control and Breath Control where he notes that there is Apara Bindu even here and to eliminate which not only we have to regulate what we eat and how we breath but also MOVE in the inner channel of Cuzi Munai Naadi where both and Natam and Bindu are present. One must move in the direction of where Siva is with Sakti and aspire also to move towards the Naataantam, the LIMIT of the mantra world and hence towards the LOGOS.
But what are the SIGNS that not only ensures that one is moving in the right direction but also confirms the TRUTH of the metaphysical insight, understanding?
It is here that the eight Siddhies are mentioned along with attaining the Golden Body, the DREAM of the ancient kings from the Middle East to the Far East. The successful person in enjoying the Golden Body also enjoys the experiential matters of the Siddhies, which are explained below.
There is nothing FICTIONAL or purely imaginative in all these - NOT Maaya or Mythiya as the Vedanties are in the habit of saying.
அன்னத்தில் விந்து அடங்கும்படி கண்டு
மன்னப் பிராணனாம் விந்து மறித்திட்டு
மின்னொத்த விந்து நாதாந்தத்து விட்டிட
வன்னத் திருவிந்து மாயுங் காயத்திலே
உட்கொள்ளப்படும் உணவில் புதையுருவாய் சந்தான விருத்திக்கு ஏதுவான அபரவிந்து அடங்கி எவ்வாறு இருக்கின்றது என்பதை ஆய்வின் கண்டு தெளிந்து, அதே அபரவிந்து உலகியல் வாழ்க்கையில் நின்று நிலைபெறுமாறு செய்யும் உயிர்முச்சில் ஊர்ந்து வருவதையும் கண்டு ஆனால் அதனோடு மறித்துப் போராடி, சுழிமுனை நாடிச் செல்வு தாக்கி அங்கு நாதமும் விந்துவும் கலந்து மின்னொத்தப் பேரொளியாக இருப்பது கண்டு அந்த ஒளி தரிசனத்தில், உலக வேட்கையில் அபரவிந்துவை விட்டிட, அது மெதுவாக பல மந்திரங்களாக விளங்கும் அபரவிந்து உடம்பில் தொழிற்படுவது தொடர்ந்து இல்லாது போகும்.
annattil Vintu adaGkumpadi kaNdu
mannap piraaNanaam Vintu maRittiddu
minnotta Vintu naataantattu viddida
vannat tiruvintu maayuG kaayattilee
On must understand how the Apara Bindu (that creates the instincts for self propagation) stands as part of the food taken in and the kind breathing practiced and then struggle against it. One should take the inner travel in the Cuzi Munai Naadi where both Natam and Bintu are present and aspiring towards the Limit of this i.e. Naataantam, free oneself from the hold of the Apara Vintu. Then and only then, this Apara Bindu that exists in various kinds of mantra-complexes will die out from being actively present in the body.
அன்னம் பிராணன் என்று ஆர்க்கும் இருவிந்து
தன்னை யறிந்துண்டு சாதிக்க வல்லார்க்குச்
சொன்னமாம் உருத் தோன்றும் எண்சித்தியால்
அன்னவர் எல்லாம் அழிவற நின்றதே
உட்கொள்ளும் உணவிலும் உயிர்மூச்சிலும் நின்று தொழிற்படும் அபரவிந்துவின் இருவேறு வடிவங்களை மெய்யாக அறிந்து, இவற்றை நீக்கி மேலே போகுமா சுழிமுனை நாடியில் நாதாந்தம் சாதிக்க வல்லாருக்கு, பொன் வடிவினதாக தன் உரு மாறம் அடைவது தோன்றும். இத்தனமையோர் அணிமா கரிமா போன்ற எண் சித்தியால், வச்சித்தேகம் பெற்று உடல் நெடுங்காலம் அழியாது நிற்கும் பேறும் பெற்றவர் ஆவர்.
annam piraaNan enRu aarkkum iruvintu
tannai yaRintuNdu caatikka vallaarkkuc
connamaam urut toonRum eNcittiyaal
annavar ellaam azivaRa ninRatee
Having understood the presence of Apara Bindu in both the food taken in and the vital breath, if one aspires to become free of them by an inner travel in the Cuzi Munai Nadi towards Naataantam, then the Golden Body as one's own possibility will emerge. With this and the attainments of EIGHT Siddhies, one then can enjoy a body that's beyond easy decay.
These two verses are connected together and deal with the technologies related to attaining a Golden Body and with that also the EIGHT Siddhies, the attainment of which makes one a Siddha. While the natures of these Siddhies vary according to the stage of development of an individuals, what are listed here are those POWERS that a person who has attained the stage of TGS and hence a Golden Body, would enjoy.
These Psychic Powers are: Anima, Mahima, Karima, Lahima, Piraatti, Prakaamiyam, Vacittuvam and Icattuvam.
Here Anima is the psychic power to be CLOSE to all individuals and hence enjoying the state of being non-alien to anyone. It is state of Psychic Closeness so the other is NOT seen as an OTHER. The Anima diffuses the OTHERNESS.
The Mahima (derived Sumerian. mah, Tamil. maa, Sanskrit mahaa) is personal GREATNESS, an ordinary person becoming GREAT, outstanding and so forth, the Purushotama, the Sumerian Engir-su etc. It is this Mahima that makes a person a historical figure- One who has left an indelible mark in History.
The Karima is the personal CHARISMA, that which binds people to an individual and makes them not only the admirers but also the disciples, frequently also dulling their critical thinking.
Lahima is the Power to achieve the impossible in an effortless manner. What are normally impossible to attain, the Paraakiramam, becomes quite elementary for such people.
Piraatti is Power to enjoy what one desires and without any disappointments. While ordinary individuals desire this and that but very often they also turn out to be simply wishes. Such is not the case with Siddhas, they accomplish what they desire and enjoy it.
Prakaamiyam is the Power they have over others - the others love and respect such Siddhas naturally just on encounter. The personality attained creates an aura whereby even strangers on seeing it respond with love and affection.
Vacittuvam is the capacity to BIND individuals perpetually so that they do NOT DEPART from the Siddhas. There comes to prevail a magical bondage which disallows disagreements and departures.
Iicattuvam is Divine Greatness, towering over all others so that people simply SUBMIT themselves to his dictates. It is this power that makes people WORSHIP a Siddha as if God etc.
Tirumular mentions that a person who practices TGS and enjoys a Golden Body will also enjoy such Siddhies.
( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )
( photo taken from https://www.pexels.com/ with thanks )
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