The Science of Naataantam
In the comments below I have given enough details of these two verses where Tirumular describes further his cosmo-gynecology where he also succeeds in locating the birth of KuNdalini, the root cause of the sexual libido in all creatures and which underlies the will for self-propagation through demographic means. This desire arises from Kudilai, that which harbors the Logos, Ogkaaraam and which differentiates into akaaram, ukaaram and so forth.
However I just want to say that Tirumular is mindful of the NEED for social consensus so that such views are NOT simply the imaginations of a fertile mind and quite mystical at that.
The science being articulated here is that of Naataantam, the science of Mantras (that the later Siddhas too developed in various ways) and the truths are available for anyone to see and understand in the workings of MIND itself. Saivism sees the self working with the mental modules of Manam, Buddhi, AhanGkaaram and Cittam where they are also hierarchically organized with Manam as the most immediate to physical world and Cittam as the deepest and the most intimate with the soul itself.
All the motivational dynamics emerge from the Cittam component and which gives rise to the ego-self, the AhanGkaaram and which feeds into cognitive component of Buddhi and which then influences the Manam which, with the five senses as its tool, processes the physical stimuli that impinges on the senses. As we investigate the workings of such a Manam, we can discover the presence of Buddhi there and as when we try to unravel the cognitive processes, including the semiological, we can see the presence of the ego-self. And as we penetrate into the mysteries surrounding the ego-functions, we can discover the Cittam, the primordial source of the various kinds of desires that impel self into action. As we contemplate into the workings of these modules of the mind we can also access the UNIVERSAL or cosmological processes such as the ones Tirumular is articulating here. Recall that for Tirumular, the human body is a micro version of the Macrocosm that's the Universe, a crystal that is formed with the axial forces that configure also whatever in the universe.
வந்திடு பேத மெல்லாம் பரவிந்து
தந்திடு மாமாயை வாகேசி தற்பரை
உந்து குடிலையோடு ஏமுறு குண்டலி
விந்துவில் இந்நான்கு மேவா விளங்குமே
மேலே விளக்கப்பட ஐம்முகத்து சதாசிவ முர்த்தம், ஆறு ஆதாரத் தலங்கள், நான்கு நாடிகள் என்றும் இவற்றையெல்லாம் தாங்கி நிற்பதாக எழும் 36 தத்துவங்கள் என்றும் வரும் பேதங்களெல்லாம் பரவிந்துவின் திரிபுகளே. மேலும் இவற்றோடு அறிவிற்கு உருவம் தரும் மாமாயையாகிய சுத்தமாயையும், வைகரியாதி நான்கு வாக்குகளும், சுத்த சைதன்ய வடிவைத் தரும் தற்பரையும், எல்லா ஊக்கங்களுக்கும் காரமாகிஅய குடிலையிலிருந்து எழும் காமவேட்கையின் குண்டலியும் இதே பரவிந்துவிலிருந்து உலகெங்கும் மேவி விளங்கி நிற்கும்.
vantidu peeta mellaam paravintu
tantidu maamaayai vaakeeci taRparai
untu kadilaiyoodu eemuRu kuNdali
vintuvil innaanku meevaa viLaGkumee
The differentiated forms such as above - i.e. the five-faced Cataaciva, the Six Atara Cakras, the Four Nadies and the 36 Tatvas that give form and function to all these, emerge from the primordial ParaBindu. In addition to that ParaBindu also gives rise to the various elements that give structure and function to intelligence such as the Cutta Maayai (out of which consciousness is generated) the Vak ( the languages Vaikari and so forth) and the Pure Consciousness (TaRparan). Now in addition to that, from the Kudilai that gives the push to all, emerges the KuNdalini, the sexual libido that leads to the enjoyment of various kinds of joys. All these four elements also emerge and take shape from ParaBindu and pervade the whole space.
விளங்கு நிவிர்த்தாதி மேவு அகராதி
வளங்கொள் உகாரம் மகாரத்துள் விந்து
களங்கமில் நாதாந்தம் கண்ணினுள் நண்ணி
உளங்கொள் மனாதியுள் அந்தமு மாமே
இனி சுத்தமாயையில் விளங்கும் பஞ்ச கலைகளாகிய நிவிர்த்தி பிரதிட்டை வித்தை சாந்தி சாந்தியாதீதை போன்றவை அகாரம் மந்திரம் மேவுதால் எழுவன. இனி இந்த அகாரத்தோடு, உலகப்பொருட்களின் உருவத் தோற்றத்திற்கு மூலகாரணமாக விளங்கும் உகார மந்திரமும், எல்லா பேதங்களையும் போக்கி மூல அபின்ன நிலைக்குக் கொண்டு செல்லும் மகார மந்திரத்தினுள், ஒர் வித்தாக ( விந்தாக) நிற்கும். இப்படிப்பட்ட அகார உகார மந்திரங்களில் உண்மையான முடிவான நாதாந்த நிலையை ஞானக்கண்ணினுள் தரிசிக்க விரும்பி , உள்ளம் என்பதை இருத்துவதாகிய மனம் புத்தி ஆங்காரம் சித்தம் எனும் அந்தகரணண்க்களுள் காண, அவற்றின் முடிவான நிலையைக் காண முடியும் என்றவாறு
viLaGku nivirttaati meevu akaraati
vaLaGkoL ukaaram maakaarattuL Vintu
kaLaGamiL naataantam kaNninuL naNNi
uLaGkoL manaatiyuL antamu maamee
Now we have the akaaram mantra syllables pervading the Cutta Maayai and generating the dynamics of consciousness of Nivritti, Piratiddal, Vittai, Caanti and Caantiyaatiitai. Now these mantras along with the ukaaram remain as the seed forms within the makaaram mantra that seeks to coalesce and with that disallow differentiations. The science of understanding these mantras, the Naataantam, can be practiced and these truths ascertained only if one desires to understand them with the Third Eye and see how they configure the functions of the mind modules of Manam, Buddhi, AhaGkaaram and Cittam that configure the essence of self.
In this verse Tirumular attends to the genesis of Intelligence Consciousness, Thinking Desires and so forth of the psychic entities as such and for which he brings in the mantras and the Logos. While Parabindu is the source of the 36 Tatvas that go into the configuration of every element in the cosmos, it is also said to be the causal basis of intelligence languages and consciousness (Cutta Maayai, Vak and TaRparai) The notion of language is very broad and is designed to include all modes of communications including that of animals, insects and so forth. It also includes the audible speech, the symbolic languages, the dream language, mythological language and so forth. All these are understood within the classification of Vaikari, Paicyanti Mattimai Cuukkumai and Ati cuukkumai where the Ati cuukkumai is the Primordial Logos, Om itself.
Now Kudilai is where this Om is located and it is said to be the source of the sexual libido, KuNdalini. The Coiled Power and which is the source of motivational dynamics and joys of all kinds (eemuRu kuNdali) is also located here. The Kudilai is the Universal Will and the KuNdalini is the fractional crystallization of this WILL as the will of the creatures and which is basically sexual, taking this notion in a very broad sense. As such this KuNdalini becomes the causal ground of the experience of bliss of all kinds.
Now it is also further observed that the dynamics of consciousness as constituted by the processes of Nivritti etc are the workings of the mantras akaaram and ukaaram and their variants and which exist as seed forms within the mantra makaaram, that which disallows differentiations and seeks to maintain a state un-differentiation.
But how are we to understanding all these and which is the science of Naataantam, the limiting understanding of Mantras?
The self-functions with the mental modules of Manam, Buddhi, AhanGkaaram and Cittam. Once we withdraw into ourselves and explore the workings of these mind-modules, then these truths will be transparent.
Loganathan Krishnan @ Ullaganar