Namacivaaya :The Mantra of Final Liberation
Genuine metaphysical life is founded by interrogating the MEANINGS as disclosed by BEING through the various icons or archetypal images that are also worshipped as gods. This is the essence of the Sacred Tamil, as we have seen, and hence the metaphysical insights gained are Axiomatic Truths, truths that are indubitable and hence providing an unshakeble confidence and certainty. However as one progresses in this Icon Thinking one is taken to Mantra Thinking by an inner dynamics of its own and where the baktas do not anymore worship the icons but the mantra-forms into which they dissolve,
Now the mantra-complexes are just as numerous as the gods and hence even here there are progresses to be made. The highest is that which involves only reciting the Primordial Logos A-U-M, where the understanding formed by it is the Njaanam, the Absolute understanding that confers Moksa and which is enjoyed in Deep Silence, the Moonam. But just prior to that as a mantra exercise that would lead to that state of final liberation is the Na-Ma-Si-Vaa-Ya mantra and Sundarar mentions here that it is this mantra that has become second nature to him, something he recites even unconsciously.
This mantra stands for the five fold universal Praxis of BEING - disclosing as opposed concealing and within disclosing , presenting sustaining and then destroying . Thus at this point of metaphysical maturity, one does not worship any of the icons or imago dei or archetypes and so forth but only the various cosmic processes as the Dance of BEING. So the mind focuses only on the FEET and which is a way putting the fact that the concern is no more the images but rather only the processes that permeate the whole universe .
When the concern with this DANCE becomes deeply ingrained as the most developed form of spiritual life, then even when the conscious mind forgets all the icons and images, the unconscious mind keeps on reciting this mantra - it becomes autonomic, something done without any more conscious thought.
But who would recite this mantra in this way?
According to Sundarar here, it is only those who have freed themselves from all bondages, including the religious and thus having become absolutely Pure and Free, desire only Moksa and nothing else. While all other desires land the person in being thrown into bodily existence and hence historical form of existence where birth and death are common, this desire for Moksa is peculiar in that it makes the impending death of this lease of life the FINAL DEATH, subsequent to which there will be no such deaths for there are no more being thrown into embodied existence.
மற்றுப் பற்று எனக்கின்றி நின் திருப்பாதமே மனம் பாவித்தேன்
பெற்றலும் பிறந்தேன் இனிப் பிறவாத தன்மை வந்தெய்தினேன்
கற்றவர் தொழுதேத்துஞ் சீர் கறையூரில் பாண்டிக் கொடுமுடி
நற்றவா உனை நான் மறக்கினுஞ் சொல்லு நா நமச்சிவாயவே
உலகியல் பற்றுக்களும் மற்றும் வேறு வகையான பற்றுக்கள் யாதும்னிறி, மிக சுத்தமாகி, இறைவா! அயராது ஆடுகின்ற உன் திருப்பாதங்களையே மனதில் பாவித்து வாழ்கின்றேன், இதனைப் பற்றி ஆழ சிந்திக்கும் போது, எப்படியே ஊன் உடம்பொடு பிறந்து விட்ட நான் இனி இவ்வாறு பிறந்து இறப்பது போக்கி மீண்டும் பிறவாமை எனும் வீடுபேற்றினை வந்து எய்தி உள்ளேன் என்றும் தெளிகின்றேன் . ஞானநூற்களைக் கற்று மெய்ஞானம் கைவந்தவர் தொழுதேத்தும் அழகிய கறையூரில் பாண்டிக் கொடு முடி என்னும் கோயிலில் எழுந்தருளியுள்ள நல்ல தவங்களாக யாண்டும் புரிந்துகொண்டிருக்கும் ஐயனே ! அறிந்து கொள் - உன்னை நான் மறந்து நினையாத போதும் எனது நா மறவாது ‘நமச்சிவாய' என்னும் மந்திரத்தை சொல்லிக் கொண்டே இருக்கும்.
maRRup paRRu enakkinRi nin tiruppaatamee manam paavitteen
peRRalum piRanteen inip piRavaata tanmai vanteytineen
kaRRavar tozuteettum ciir kaRaiyuuril paaNdi kodumudi
naRRvaa unai naan maRakkinum collu naa namaccivaayavee
O my Lord ! Absolutely free of all bondages . I live holding in my mind only your FEET (that dance unceasingly), Having been thrown into bodily existence I have enjoyed a birth with a physical body but now however I understand that I am about to enjoy the final liberation in which there will be no more being thrown into physical embodiments. O my Lord who forever does great deeds for the people , who has taken residence in the Temple of PaNdik Kodumudi in the beautiful city of KaRaiyuur where the learned and metaphysically matured worship you, please note that even though I may forget your iconic forms , my tongue continues to recite as if unconsciously the mantra Namacivaaya.
Dr Loganathan Krishnan @ Ullaganar
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