
Monday, 23 May 2016



There is a notion of science which is still foreign to all those world renowned great scientists including Einstein and many others.
You see there are TWO kinds of sciences : the positivistic and hermeneutic. While the West developed the positivistic sciences (and because of which we have great technologies, including the present Cyberspace) Indians particularly the Tamils developed the hermeneutic sciences which I have RESUSCITATED and on the basis of which I have developed Agamic Science, Process Grammar and what not. At the moment this distinction is also very vigorously debated in the West where they are distinguishing between qualitative and quantitative sciences.
This notion of hermeneutic science is the science of destruction of IGNORANCE that IS ALREADY within us and which is attributed to MALAM, a stuff that breeds DARKNESS within us and because of which WE CANNOT SEE even if it is in front of us.
The Tamils, to eternal credit, have transformed the field of religion into a field of Hermeneutic Science and the credit goes to THIRUMULAR and MEYKANDAR amongst many others.
I have translated Meykandar,s Civanjaana Botham into English and is currently available in full. The extensive introduction there also elaborates the notion of Hermeneutic Science and how it stands in relation to quantitative sciences.
One more thing: to be a scientist, whether positivistic or hermeneutic is NOT TO BE DOGMATIC. There are NO DOGMAS in science. For all scientific knowledge is CONSTRUCTIVE and hence as Meykandar would say ACATHTHARIVU. And as it is said by Arunandi : ARivinaal aRin-tha yaavum acatththu.
Kuhn has noted that in the history of science where paradigms shift. More recently Foucault in France has begun to talk about the archaeology of knowledge, how there are underground forces introducing DISCONTINUITES and so forth in the emergence of DISCOURSES particularly of the scientific type. And furtheremore what impels the scientists, whether positivistic or Hermeneutic is the NOTION OF TRUTH and not, I think, anything else.
Of course the TRUTH on the presence of GOD cannot be discovered through quantitative experiments and explorations but rather by the route of Hermeneutic endeavours where the DARKNESS that does not allow us to UNDERSTAND that gets destroyed.

Dr Loganathan  @ Ullaganar

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