
Sunday, 7 March 2021

The Tamil New Year and the confusion that comes along with it!

The Tamil New Year and the confusion with it's exact date has been around for over a century now. Each year during the month of Thai, one group celebrates it as Ponggal Festival and the reformist group celebrates it as Ponggal New Year. 

In this video, Dr Sivakumar explains the reason why the Tamil New Year should be maintained in the month of Chitirai and not Ponggal, with valid scientific reasons. The Tamil New Year, which we can trace it's roots to the Sumerian calendar system ( Our claim of Sumerian is Tamil ) is a much researched and the placement of the Tamil New Year in the month of Chitirai is not something based on consensus or randomisation. Chititai was selected as the beginning of the Tamil New Year based on years of research ofthe Tamils based on astrological science and the science of Time, 'Kaalam'.

The reformist group, which started as the Dravidian movement in the early 20th century, in it's zeal of removing anything Aryan/Brahmin or Vedic, which includes Sanskrit, felt that even the Tamil calendar system  is a product of the Aryans/ Bramins. Therefore following the Chitirai New Year will mean submitting to the Aryan / Bramin superiority and to oppose that the reformist group started changing the Tamil New Year from the Chitirai month to the Thai month. 

Little do the reformists realize that the Tamil calendar system predates what they perceive as the Aryan calendar system. This statement though not accepted by the mainstream, will be apparent if the fact that the Sumerian as a Tamil civilization is accepted. The Tamil calendar system which eventually became the base of what is now known as the Hindu calendar system is a product of thousands of years of research by the Tamil forefathers.

The reformists should realize this. Do not purge blindly for when you purge blindly, even diamond will be purged as charcoal!