The True Devotion is Always to Siva and Nobody else.

The icons or archetypes or imago-dei or simply the Muurttams, to use the Tamil term and which means the emergence of ( Tamil:.muu) the BEING in some definite form, appears to be MAGICAL in some ways. They, not only emerge from the depths into consciousness but also possess the soul just as the lower shamanistic trances. The only difference appears to be that in this higher kind of possession the person is AWARE of being possessed and becomes also quite willing to be thus possessed. The Muurttam becomes the self itself but without obliterating the self-consciousness, and in this it is unlike the trans states.
And this makes the self possessed totally subservient to the Murttam that possesses
BEING-as-SIVA and so forth. This brings along also a transmutation, a metamophoses of the person so that he/she is no more the ordinary person hungering after worldly pleasures but rather the spiritual. The pattern of life and motivational dynamics underlying it changes so that a NEW RESOLVE on how to live comes to prevail.
There is a Vairakkyam, a firm resolution to LOVE BEING and nothing or no one else. There is no Virakti, a meaninglessness that leads to suicidal tendencies but rather a new mental firmness and certitude arising from the living presence of BEING as the possessor of one’s soul itself. There is unmediated immediacy that makes philosophical inquiries quite unnecessary. When BEING is enjoyed as the living presence in one own's self, philosophical disputations as the reality or falsity of BEING and the Murttams in which He shows Himself become quire irrelevant.
As we shall see in the following verses, such a possession and casting existence itself as being totally subservient to BEING-as-SIVA and so forth is actually a precondition to disclose the truths of BEING directly to the possessed making the scriptures themselves quite unnecessary.
அவர்க்கே எழுபிறப்பும் ஆளாவோம் என்றும்
அவர்க்கே நாம் அன்பாவதல்லால் - பவர்சடைமேல்
பாகாப் போழ் சூடும் அவர்க்கல்லால் மற்றொருவருக்கு
ஆகாப்போம் எஞ்ஞான்றும் ஆள்
(அ-ரை திரு வி.க)
பவர்சடை -- நெருங்குதலையுடைய சடை. பாகாப் போழ் -- பாதியல்லாத பிளவை; அதாவது இஇளம்பிறைச் சந்திரனை
தவறாக ஓர் மானிடனுக்கு ஆளாகி அல்லப்பட்டு அதனின்று நீங்கியபின் இஇனி, எம் பெருமானுக்கே இஇனி வரக்கூடிய எல்லா பிறப்பிலும் ஆளாவோம். அதுவும் எப்படியென்றால், எதனையும் எதிர்பார்த்து அல்லாது தூய அன்பின் அவர்க்கே ஆளாவோம் கண்டாய். மிகவுறுதியான என்றும் மாறாத் திறத்தின் இஇந்த அன்பின் காரணமாக, அடர்ந்த சடைமேல் அழகிய இஇளம்பிறை சூடியவாறு தானே எல்லா இஇன்பங்களின் மூலம் என்று உணர்த்தியவாறு இஇருக்கும் அவர்க்கு அல்லால், இஇனி நிச்சயமாக வேறு எவர்க்கும் எஞ்ஞான்றும் ஆளா¡கமாட்டோம், இஇது உறுதி
avarkkee ezupiRappum aaLaavoom enRum
avarkkee naam anbaavathallaal - pavarsadaimeel
paakapooz cuudum avarkkallaal maRRoruvarukku
aakaappoom enjnjaanRum aaL
Having become thoroughly disenchanted with life with a man, I am determined to be in service only to BEING (Siva) in future in this birth as well in all the births to come. And I shall be bonded to Him not because of some expectations but out of Pure, Deep and Abiding LOVE unto Him. So let it be known that other than for this BEING who discloses Himself as Siva who wears the crescent moon on his thick hair, thus symbolizing that He is the source of all happiness, I shall never be subservient to anybody else
Clearly this is Punitavati telling herself about a new resolution she has made whereby after a heroic struggle with earthly desires of an ordinary woman, she comes to a decision that in future she shall be subservient only to Siva and nobody else. This actually is clearing herself of some doubts and tearing herself away from the pulls of the flesh because of which she was tormented as her marriage broke down or made to break down.
With the sexual libido desiccated , this resolution of herself that she will be subservient only to Siva and that too out of Pure Love that expects nothing in return as rewards as is the case with other human relationships, shows also the transformation of the Kundalini, the sexual libido into seeking union with BEING and hence Bakti. She finds fulfillment with her LOVE for BEING and whom is seen also as the source of happiness in being seen as the wearer of Crescent Moon on the thick tuft.
( editing and re-paragraphing by his student )