Why students fail? The Agamic Science Explanation.
I now want to bring to your attention the case of a number of secondary school children who, while excelling earlier, but as they reach the age of 17 or thereabouts slowly begin to decline for reasons unknown to themselves, parents or even the teachers.
I now want to bring to your attention the case of a number of secondary school children who, while excelling earlier, but as they reach the age of 17 or thereabouts slowly begin to decline for reasons unknown to themselves, parents or even the teachers.
Sometimes the matter becomes so serious for the caring parents that they seek even psychiatric help. The subjects that I have isolated for mention here are usually very bright and are capable of very intelligent conversation but who slowly decline.
Such subjects while being very intelligent but decline because they slowly lose their capacity to pay attention to what is being taught by the teacher. They have the habit of SWITCHING OFF halfway and let their mind wander into a world of fantasies. Their cognitive processing is dissociated from classrooom context and gets trapped into the inner world of ideas that quite often the subjects are aware but are unable to do anything about. Their preoccupation with the inner world as opposed to the outer world becomes almost an obsession.
Because of this, there comes to prevail DISINTERESTEDNESS in classroom interactions and other social activities. They tend to withdraw from both the physical and social world because of their ENCHANTMENT with the inner world of fantasies.
In my conversations with them I also learned that such subjects are AWARE of such developments within themselves but feel they cannot do anything about it except worry. Frequently they also feel frightened because of loss of control over their own thought processes. They feel they are being trapped into a strange world of fantasy but are unable to stop it.
How do we explain these changes? Unless we get an adequate explanation of this change in cognitive processing, we cannot solve the problem of the students to recover what they have lost.
My explanation through my ACCESS TEST and the Siddha medical system is as follows:
The human psyche is always being pulled by fundamental metaphysical entities of Natham and Bindhu separately and jointly. The psychic pressures established by Natham brings about cognitive processes of thinking and analysing type (Ida kalai Nadi) and that of Bindhu, the feeling and emotional type (Pingkalai Nadi). The joint functioning of both Natham and Bindhu brings about cognitive processing of the ILLUMINATING TYPE that also simulataneously destroys the IGNORANCE already there.(Suzi munai Nadi). Here I must mention that the Idakalai are enunciated by Natham and Pingkalai by Bindhu and suzimunai by their joint presence.
Now through my ACCESS TEST, we can see how their psychic functiong is gradually pulled deep into the PINGKALAI i.e. to the exclusive dominance of Bindhu which on its own breeds the cancer of the cognitive: the uncontrollable and excessive production of ideas and fantasies. The Natham is that which CONTROLS and regulates and puts an ORDER or LOGIC into thinking. One can link up this with Freudian REALITY principle. When the STRONG presence of Natham, is eliminated for some reason or other, which will be quite evident in the ACCESS TEST, we notice the decline in cognitive processing of the students.
The treatment then consists in doing something that would RESTORE the presence of NATHAM in their psychic functioning.
( Note : Our copyrighted ACCESS TEST serves as a powerful psychodiagnostic tool not only in identifying students in similar situation as above but also in a wide range of issues, in almost every aspect of human existential struggles. Consultation is available for those who are interested, for a fee. Please contact us for further info. More info regarding this test in our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/593469494088854/ )